Slowly getting more control of my car again?
Kind of I guess. Dad let me make another attempt at getting to target today on my own. Which happened safely. I picked up eyeliner, and blush. Finally a blush that isn't connected to a huge makeup kit.... ugh, but yeah. And I completely ran out of eyeliner, so I had to use Anna's today... Just glad I picked up some for myself. I'm gunna start buying gifts hopefully tomorrow. Hopefully I make enough off of tips and I'll be able to order Michael's plugs. Then I'll probably be broke, then I get paid on Saturday, so I'm gunna deposit that money, and find something nice for Tiffany online I guess? Along with a few other little things I think. I also still have to order Anna's thingies from eBay~ None of this shit is gunna be ready for Christmas, but they all know that haha
Shoes I'd like to own.. WHY AM I POOR.
But I'm really gunna try to make my next pair of shoes that I buy the UNIF HellBounds!!
I can't decide if I feel like getting a knock off pair, or just saving the money to buy the real ones... I should just get a second job.. hahaha But I can't decide wether I would buy the black or the pink ones....
- 200 questions survey -
200: my middle name is:
Amber ~
199: i was born in:
A hospital lol St Mary's Hospital TO BE EXACT
1995 :p
198: i am really:
bored and sick
197: my cellphone company is:
shit hole sprint lol
196: my eye color is:
brown :p
195: my shoe size is:
194: my ring size is:
I don't even know man.
193: my height is:
5'6" maybe?
192: i am allergic to:
Basic bitchez
lol nothing
191: my 1st car was:
My beloved 2005 Chevy Aveo
190: my 1st job was:
189: last book you read:
I don't read much. But I'd really like to find a good book to read..
188: my bed is:
covered in random shit... It's a futon lol
187: my pet:
bit my face today....
186: my best friend:
Is hot lol
185: my favorite shampoo is:
Um lol I use whatever we have
184: aim name:
183: piggy banks are:
182: in my pockets:
no pockets ... leggings lol
181: on my calendar:
My work days and hours ? haa
180: marriage is:
179: spongebob can:
keep me entertained for hours
178: my mom:
is my mom lol
177: the last three cd's i bought were?
people but CD's? lol
176: last youtube video watched:
Some old video by Bunny I think?
175: how many cousins do you have?
174: do you have any siblings?
Yeah, one half brother, two adopted sisters, and 2 foster siblings.
173: are your parents divorced?
172: are you taller than your mom?
171: do you play an instrument?
ur mom
170: what did you do yesterday?
Absolutely nothing lol
[ i believe in ]
169: love at first sight:
168: luck:
I guess
167: fate:
Nah, I believe in coincidence
166: yourself:
I suppose
165: aliens:
164: heaven:
163: hell:
162: god:
161: horoscopes:
They're interesting to read, but that's about it lol
160: soul mates:
Not sure
159: ghosts:
I guess. I saw a foggy mass go past me like.. 10 minutes ago downstairs...
158: gay marriage:
Of course.
157: war:
"Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity"
156: orbs:
I guess
155: magic:
[ this or that ]
154: hugs or kisses:
153: drunk or high:
152: phone or online:
Online I guesssss
151: red heads or black haired:
150: blondes or brunettes:
idgaf lol
149: hot or cold:
warm or cool
148: summer or winter:
Umm.... IDK. I hate REALLY cold weather, and I hate REALLY hot weather...
147: autumn or spring:
Both I guess
146: chocolate or vanilla:\
145: night or day:
144: oranges or apples:
143: curly or straight hair:
142: mcdonalds or burger king:
golden archezz beech
141: white chocolate or milk chocolate:
milk chocolateeeee mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
140: mac or pc:
I would prefer mac, but I have a PC so...
139: flip flops or high heals:
High heels
138: ugly and rich or sexy and poor:
137: coke or pepsi:
136: hillary or obama:
135: burried or cremated:\
idk how i feel about this..
134: singing or dancing:
I suck at both SO
133: coach or chanel:
132: kat mcphee or taylor hicks:
131: small town or big city:
Big city fer sure
130: wal-mart or target:
Targettttttttttttttttt.. Less creepy men..
129: ben stiller or adam sandler:
128: manicure or pedicure:
Manicure I guess because I don't want anyone touching my feet ._.
127: east coast or west coast:
126: your birthday or christmas:
Birthday because I'll be 18 BITCH
125: chocolate or flowers:
124: disney or six flags:
123: yankees or red sox:
[ here's what i think about ]
122: war:
Did I not already answer this or lol
121: george bush:
just stahp
120: gay marriage:
119: the presidential election:
It was pretty hilarous lol
118: abortion:
or if you were just fucking to fuck and you get pregnant, that's ur fault lol
117: myspace:
116: reality tv:
Entertaining to watch, but it rots your brain
115: parents:
Um. MINE?!! I couldn't write enough to explain...
114: back stabbers:
fuck you
113: ebay:
112: sex:
111: work:
I like my jobbbb
110: my neighbors:
they're hoodrats I swear
109: gas prices:
Could be better could be worse..
108: designer clothes:
UM. idk. I like designer shoes... I'm not crazy about like. gucci, prada and shit.. BASIC BITCHEZ
107: college:
106: sports:
I fucking hate when people fucking argue about this shit. STFU YOU ARE NOT ON THE GODDAMN TEAM SO SHUT THE FUCK UP oh my god
105: my family:
most of them SUCK and are a bunch of cunts.
104: the future:
[ last time i ]
103: hugged someone:
Yesterday I hugged my dad
102: last time you ate:
Dinner time?
101: saw someone i haven't seen in awhile:
Michael. Umm, about a week ago.
100: cried in front of someone:
I think I cried in front of Michael..
99: went to a movie theater:
I think I want to remember lol
98: took a vacation:
idk man
97: swam in a pool:
Last summer
96: changed a diaper:
95: got my nails done:
94: went to a wedding:
never lol
93: broke a bone:
refer to the last 3 answers
92: got a peircing:
two augusts ago?
91: broke the law:
awl da time
90: texted:
right nowwww
[ misc ]
89: who makes you laugh the most:
Tiffany, Michael, Anna and Sean
88: something i will really miss when i leave home is:
My dogs? IDK
87: the last movie i saw:
idk the name of it. but it was on T V
86: the thing that i'm looking forward to the most:
Seeing Michael again
85: the thing im not looking forward to:
School tomorrow morning...
84: people call me:
83: the most difficult thing to do is:
STAY SOBER. jk. idkkk ugh there's a lot aha
82: i have gotten a speeding ticket:
never lol
81: my zodiac sign is:
80: the first person i talked to today was:
Michael of courseeee
79: first time you had a crush:
i dont remember dawg
78: the one person who i can't hide things from:
Tiffany and Michael
77: last time someone said something you were thinking:
Michael, ALL the time
76: right now i am talking to:
Michael and Tiffany
75: what are you going to do when you grow up:
74: i have/will get a job:
HAVE a job
73: tomorrow:
My package will hopefully be here
72: today:
was boring as fuck
71: next summer:
I'LL BE 18
70: next weekend:
I don't know lol
69: i have these pets:
that are annoying lol
68: the worst sound in the world:
My dad screaming at me LOL
67: the person that makes me cry the most is:
66: people that make you happy:
Tiffany Michael and Anna
65: last time i cried:
Don't remember?
64: my friends are:
63: my computer is:
62: my school:
is a shit hole
61: my car:
Is so cute :3
60: i lose all respect for people who:
59: the movie i cried at was:
58: your hair color is:
57: tv shows you watch:
The Walking Dead, Face Off, Breaking Bad, and a few others
56: favorite web site:
Tumblr, twitter
55: your dream vacation:
Tokyo Japan
54: the worst pain i was ever in was:
idk ugh
53: how do you like your steak cooked:
52: my room is:
51: my favorite celebrity is:
Ummm idk.
50: where would you like to be:
With Michael (lol feelings)
49: do you want children:
probz not
48: ever been in love:
47: whos your best friend:
Tiffanyyyyy of course
46: more guy friends or girl friends:
I don't have enough friends to say lol
45: one thing that makes you feel great is:
My friends
44: one person that you wish you could see right now:
Michael and Tiffanyyyy
43: do you have a 5 year plan:
42: have you made a list of things to do before you die:
41: have you pre-named your children:
no that's dumb
40: last person i got mad at:
Michael actually aha
39: i would like to move to:
New York, California, Florida
38: i wish i was a professional:
[ my favorites ]
37: candy:
36: vehicle:
MY carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
35: president:
34: state visited:
I liked Florida I guess
33: cellphone provider:
32: athlete:
31: actor:
30: actress:
29: singer:
Jordan Dreyer
28: band:
La Dispute
27: clothing store:
online stores? TOO MANY.
26: grocery store:
25: tv show:
The Walking Dead
24: movie:
Fight Club
23: website:
I answered thissss
22: animal:
21: theme park:
20: holiday:
my birthday lol
19: sport to watch:
18: sport to play:
Volleyball lol
17: magazine:
16: book:
15: day of the week:
14: beach:
13: concert attended:
La Disute of course
12: thing to cook:
11: food:
10: restaurant:
9: radio station:
fuck the radioooooooooooooo
8: yankee candle scent:
7: perfum:
you spelled that wrong. so you don't get an answer
6: flower:
5: color:
4: talk show host:
3: comedian:
2: dog breed:
1: are you ready for this survey to be over?
Ughhh jdkslfj
This weekend has been the most uneventful weekend of my lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
It's so frustrating having to stay home, and not being able to have company... NOT TO MENTION THERE'S NOT SHIT TO DO IN THIS GODDAMN HOUSE!!!?!?!
Random thought.
The other night, I had a dream that I punched Robert in the face because he was being a cunt.
I'm still feeling like shit. Hopefully I'll feel a little bit better by tomorrow, because I don't need to go to school feeling like shit. And staying home isn't really an option because my parents ALWAYS make me go to school even if I'm sick. Well.. Unless I have the flu or something. I'm pretty sure I just have a little cold because of the weather. The fuckery weather we've been having is so fucking terrible. 75 and 70 last weekend, and then 40 in the middle of this week. STAHP IT SKY STAHP.
idk man.
Hopefully tomorrow my package gets here, I was really looking forward to getting my dress and body suit in the mail YESTERDAY but UPS doesn't deliver on the weekends ): GHEY
I also feel this terrible need to start altering clothes again. I'm feeling a little bit inspired lately and I haven't had much to do. Especially since I'm gunna be on lock down for awhile, might as well get some DIY done right? Not to mention I'm beginning to hate everything in my closet.... WHICH SUCKS. Because I'm like I HAVE NOTHING TO FUCKING WEAR, meanwhile there's like 3 huge piles of clothes on my floor...... I'm just sick of wearing the same shit. I just need to go thrifting soon. But I also feel like I should be saving my money for a new pair of shoes... I've been dying for a pair of UNIF Hellbounds lately for some reason.... I can't even decide what color I would get them in if I ever did have the money for a pair. I couldn't choose between the neon pink and the black. Black would be easier to wear, but pink could be just as easy because I have a lot of black in my wardrobe..DSJFADJSKJS I don't even need to be thinking about that right now, mostly because I'm broke as fuq.
This weekend has been the most uneventful weekend of my lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
It's so frustrating having to stay home, and not being able to have company... NOT TO MENTION THERE'S NOT SHIT TO DO IN THIS GODDAMN HOUSE!!!?!?!
Random thought.
The other night, I had a dream that I punched Robert in the face because he was being a cunt.
I'm still feeling like shit. Hopefully I'll feel a little bit better by tomorrow, because I don't need to go to school feeling like shit. And staying home isn't really an option because my parents ALWAYS make me go to school even if I'm sick. Well.. Unless I have the flu or something. I'm pretty sure I just have a little cold because of the weather. The fuckery weather we've been having is so fucking terrible. 75 and 70 last weekend, and then 40 in the middle of this week. STAHP IT SKY STAHP.
idk man.
Hopefully tomorrow my package gets here, I was really looking forward to getting my dress and body suit in the mail YESTERDAY but UPS doesn't deliver on the weekends ): GHEY
I also feel this terrible need to start altering clothes again. I'm feeling a little bit inspired lately and I haven't had much to do. Especially since I'm gunna be on lock down for awhile, might as well get some DIY done right? Not to mention I'm beginning to hate everything in my closet.... WHICH SUCKS. Because I'm like I HAVE NOTHING TO FUCKING WEAR, meanwhile there's like 3 huge piles of clothes on my floor...... I'm just sick of wearing the same shit. I just need to go thrifting soon. But I also feel like I should be saving my money for a new pair of shoes... I've been dying for a pair of UNIF Hellbounds lately for some reason.... I can't even decide what color I would get them in if I ever did have the money for a pair. I couldn't choose between the neon pink and the black. Black would be easier to wear, but pink could be just as easy because I have a lot of black in my wardrobe..DSJFADJSKJS I don't even need to be thinking about that right now, mostly because I'm broke as fuq.
You're making this kind of hard for me.
Other times it's easy as breathing. But there are those instances where I'm like... ARE YOU KIDDING RIGHT NOW.
There's been two times like that, and both times I've felt 100% shitty. I don't get what even happened yesterday. I wasn't laughing at your feelings. I was laughing because I didn't think you were that dumb... C'mon. Anyone would have known I was joking. Either that shows 100% insecurity, or you need to rethink how you read some of the things I say.
Somehow, I end up getting over the bullshit really fast. I wouldn't consider yesterday a major issue, but you kind of just had me thinking "What the fuck are you doing right now..?" You keep telling me you trust me, but I feel like you're showing me that you don't or something. Which is backwards as fuck. But you should trust me because I'm not a cheating whore and there's literally not one other person that can hold my interest. (Other than a few select friends. But they're friends.. Obviously. They're also GIRLS. So.... Totez lezbo lol)
Don't make me regret giving second chances.. And don't take my kindness as weakness.
Other times it's easy as breathing. But there are those instances where I'm like... ARE YOU KIDDING RIGHT NOW.
There's been two times like that, and both times I've felt 100% shitty. I don't get what even happened yesterday. I wasn't laughing at your feelings. I was laughing because I didn't think you were that dumb... C'mon. Anyone would have known I was joking. Either that shows 100% insecurity, or you need to rethink how you read some of the things I say.
Somehow, I end up getting over the bullshit really fast. I wouldn't consider yesterday a major issue, but you kind of just had me thinking "What the fuck are you doing right now..?" You keep telling me you trust me, but I feel like you're showing me that you don't or something. Which is backwards as fuck. But you should trust me because I'm not a cheating whore and there's literally not one other person that can hold my interest. (Other than a few select friends. But they're friends.. Obviously. They're also GIRLS. So.... Totez lezbo lol)
Don't make me regret giving second chances.. And don't take my kindness as weakness.
I can't even explain how I feel about the last few days. The only word I can find to express my feelings is
Seriously, nothing has been going right. I've been stressed over little things, and it's fucking me up at work and I'm just all over the place. Today, REALLY sucked. I can't decide who to be upset with though. Myself? Parents? Anyone else? idk. So, I'm really not taking my frustrations out on anyone... Which is what I should ALWAYS do, but that isn't the case all the time. I just wish my parents would fucking trust me. Dad in particular. I'm not an idiot teenager, who goes out partying, sneaking out, doing drugs, has sex, gets shit faced, gets arrested, gets pregnant, gets an STD and anything else half the assholes I go to school with do... If I'm going out, I'm probably gunna be where I tell them I'm going to be. If I'm at Tiffany's house. We literally sit there and do nothing..... But it's not boring. I know there's the WELL SOMETHING COULD HAPPEN. Yeah. But, if you hold the WHAT IF thing over my head, and in your worries, you're never gunna want to do anything, and you're not going to let me actually live. I'm almost an "Adult", I wish you'd actually start treating me like I'm older than 13 or something. I like to think I'm a 17 year old girl, with an okay head on her shoulders.
Seriously, nothing has been going right. I've been stressed over little things, and it's fucking me up at work and I'm just all over the place. Today, REALLY sucked. I can't decide who to be upset with though. Myself? Parents? Anyone else? idk. So, I'm really not taking my frustrations out on anyone... Which is what I should ALWAYS do, but that isn't the case all the time. I just wish my parents would fucking trust me. Dad in particular. I'm not an idiot teenager, who goes out partying, sneaking out, doing drugs, has sex, gets shit faced, gets arrested, gets pregnant, gets an STD and anything else half the assholes I go to school with do... If I'm going out, I'm probably gunna be where I tell them I'm going to be. If I'm at Tiffany's house. We literally sit there and do nothing..... But it's not boring. I know there's the WELL SOMETHING COULD HAPPEN. Yeah. But, if you hold the WHAT IF thing over my head, and in your worries, you're never gunna want to do anything, and you're not going to let me actually live. I'm almost an "Adult", I wish you'd actually start treating me like I'm older than 13 or something. I like to think I'm a 17 year old girl, with an okay head on her shoulders.
Dust to Dust
Next photo I'm submitting for my portfolio in Photography class!
I've always loved the way that dust looks when you can see it in a beam of light coming through the window. I was doing my makeup, and when I was tapping my brush off, and I saw the dust of my eyeshadow! My camera was right next to me so I absolutely had to snap some pictures! After SO many tries, I got two that looked really great and I layered them on top of one another, and after all lot of the Stamp Tool on Photoshop, this came to be! No, I wasn't using pink eyeshadow.. I was using black, but it didn't photograph well. Pink was the way to go. I also did the same with a blue eyeshadow and I thought I would put them together to get a mixture of the two colors, but it didn't look how I imagined, so I went against the idea. Otherwise, I love this photo so much!!!
But hey, I’m home from my second official day of work! I feel SO much better about work now. Nobody walked out on me today, and nobody complained. WHICH IS GREAT. I made $8 in tips the other day, and today I made $18 !! Which isn’t A LOT but it’ll get gas in my car, which is what I need at the moment! Or I might have to use it to pay for my license tomorrow.. UGHDS K;FJADS But yeah, today was a good day! These people that used to go to my school came in, and we talked a little bit about random stuff, and they actually left a $5 tip. Which was surprising because I would think most people around my age wouldn’t tip? Idk. Another young couple came in today and were really cool, they left me a $4 tip which was also nice! When I got into work, every single table was full, and only one waitress was working (poor Anna ♥). After she left, I was on my own for the rest of my shift, and not too many people came in. What a relief.
Hello, how are you? I'm Melanie and I will be your waitress for today! Can I start you off with some drinks?
Randomly getting called into work. Bitter sweet I guess? I just hope I know everything to get myself through the shift. It's from 1-5. On the bright side, hopefully I'll make good tips, and I'll be able to put more gas in my car when I actually get to drive it. I can't believe mom's putting the whole gas thing on me.. I'M A WAITRESS NOT A DOCTOR. Lol jk, but forreal I don't get paid well enough for this lol I wish it was already Monday so I could be driving to work instead of getting dropped off. That'd be really nice.
First day of ACTUALLY working was stressful... Very stressful. I don't think it could get much worse than yesterday. Merp. Up bright and early to get ready for a meeting I have at work at 9:30.. So tired. I got barely any sleep. I kept waking up for no reason.. So annoyingggggggggggggg. But I should probably get dressed.... Ugh.
Merp. My hair's a mess lol My face is a mess lol
I'm pretty tired. I have a cough drop in my mouth, and it's only first block jdks;jfaklj
I'm so forgetful nowadays. I kind of just want it to be Saturday, because I'm HOPEFULLY still going to P.F. Chang with Tiffany for her birthday. But I'm HOPEFULLY getting the money to go..... I'll be really upset if mom doesn't give me the money to go
Right now, my day is looking pretty bland. I might ask if I can go to Tiffany's house to spend the night there. Because I have to call into work tomorrow, and if they want me to come into work tomorrow, it's just a short walk away. AND because I just haven't spent the night there in awhile. Neither of my parents is awake right now I think. I've just been in my bed all morning, in my underwear, eating my chips..
Gunna write about my day yesterday since there's really not much to say right now.
Yesterday I woke up early and Tiffany left shortly after we got out of bed. After she left, there really wasn't much to do, so I decided to make a shirt that I've been putting off for a really long time. I'll post pictures eventually. But after that, I also decided to cut a pair of tights up. I ended up wearing both, and the outfit looked like thissss
So I didn't just get dressed for nothing. Mom and I went out to run a few errands. Of course I was the one that ended up driving. First we went to the Home Depot so mom can get a flyer for their Christmas trees . Idk why, because we never get real trees lol. But then, after that, we went to Shoe Carnival so she could return a pair of shoes. She ended up getting another pair. Then we went to Target to get me black pants/capris for work. I found a really nice pair of black skinny jeans! I can probably wear them as jeans and capris. So they're not JUST work pants.ANYWAY. mom ended up getting a prelit tree at Target, along with some ornaments. We went to Kroger, and mom bought a turkey for Thanksgivin and a few other things.. After that we drove to BJ's for gas, then to pick up our dog who had to get her nails cut, and a rabies shot. POOR BABY. Then we just ended up going home.
Just wanting to DIE, I got home and laid down. Then the rest of the day was spent on my laptop as usual~
I tried to get on blogger at school today to actually update it, but for some reason my computer at school wouldn't let me on? Idk.
But yeah.
Nothing's really new
I GOT A JOB. Woop~~
I'm not sure when I start, probably next week some time! But I'm really exciteddddd. Finally. After searching for so long ugh. I mostly have Anna to thank for getting me the job pretty much.
I fucking hate you.
I basically just got told I'm so fucking full of myself and that I need to stop, because I sound like an narcissistic cunt. Apparently I also dress the way I do is because I want attention. Which OBVIOUSLY means I don't get enough attention from my parents. WELL HMMM. The only attention I ever get from my dad anymore is fucking negative, and screaming at me for the dumbest shit. I'm so fucking over my dad screaming at me for every single fucking thing that I do. I got yelled at for like.. 3 completely different things in the span of 1 hour.
I just wanna go, take a bath, have a good cry about this because of how frustrated I am, and go to fucking sleep.
I basically just got told I'm so fucking full of myself and that I need to stop, because I sound like an narcissistic cunt. Apparently I also dress the way I do is because I want attention. Which OBVIOUSLY means I don't get enough attention from my parents. WELL HMMM. The only attention I ever get from my dad anymore is fucking negative, and screaming at me for the dumbest shit. I'm so fucking over my dad screaming at me for every single fucking thing that I do. I got yelled at for like.. 3 completely different things in the span of 1 hour.
I just wanna go, take a bath, have a good cry about this because of how frustrated I am, and go to fucking sleep.
Shoot Photossss
Sneak peek of pictures from the shoot!! Two of Tiffany ! I'll probably post more of them off Abby sends me more through text!!
Well today was extremely successful :)
The shoot was SO fun, and really great!! I would definitely like to do more things like that, because they're just really fun!! But yeah, that was great, and just hanging out with Abby and Tiffany was really great. After we were done, we just went to McDonalds, and Abby bought us food, and Michael walked to McDonalds since it was walking distance from his house. It was a nice little spur of the moment thing that just made me really happy :3 I decorated everyone with stickers on their faces, and we all looked fabbb.
We took Michael home, and then took Tiffany home, then I got dropped off. TODAY was so successful
The shoot was SO fun, and really great!! I would definitely like to do more things like that, because they're just really fun!! But yeah, that was great, and just hanging out with Abby and Tiffany was really great. After we were done, we just went to McDonalds, and Abby bought us food, and Michael walked to McDonalds since it was walking distance from his house. It was a nice little spur of the moment thing that just made me really happy :3 I decorated everyone with stickers on their faces, and we all looked fabbb.
We took Michael home, and then took Tiffany home, then I got dropped off. TODAY was so successful
Here, have an extremely gross picture of me. I think somehow I still look "pretty" in this. Obviously because my eyebrows, and my eye makeup is still pretty well put together. I love doing nasty "zombie" makeup. It was kind of practice for a potential Halloween makeup idea that I have. I'm obviously not going to be a zombie, since EVERYONE and their mom does that for Halloween. But I think Tiffany and I have, officially unofficially stated that we're gunna be Blood Feast Club Kids. So.. I thought I would just practice making myself look gross. I'll be the "zombie" of the two of us, and Tiffany is going to be the one of us with the bleeding head, almost like I ate her head. :3 But yeah, I think this turned out okay for such an on the spot idea. I sparked inspiration from a Michelle Phan video, but I didn't go purely off of that. And for toilet paper prosthetics, I thought it looked pretty dapper. (Lol dapper zombie makeup. Would that be an oxymoron or a paradox? idk wtvr lawl).
Pictures from this weekend~~*~**~ I can't explain half of these lololol
Tiffany's butt. mmmm~~
My hawt bod, Sean smiling, Michael's hands, and Tiffany's arms flailing around trying to photobomb. Lollll
Looking hungover aselllll LOL We were all just exhausted because we got like 3 hours of sleep. This was on the way to Bojangles.
My boy ♥ And me looking a mess aha I just love this picture hehe
" Bub, I need my bag..." - Me
"She likes to lay on new things..." - Tifany and Sean
"She likes to lay on new things..." - Tifany and Sean
"Fuq u itz mine" -Tiffany
Took like 12 pictures like this aha
Tiffany's sezzy face while she eats lawl
And my interesting weekend didn't end when I left Tiffany's house. No sir'ee
When I got home, I found this bottle of wine, and it was empty. I then proceeded to walk around the house with it yelling "woooooooooooooo" like the white girls do in the clubs. WHITE GIRL WASTED~~**~ WOOOO
I KNOW IT'S RUDE TO TAKE PICTURES OF PEOPLE IN PUBLIC, BUT. This mexicano couple couldn't fucking stay off of each other in Party City. They were literally like.. MAKING OUT in the middle of Party City... THERE ARE CHILDREN IN HERE. I told them to get a room lawl
This car trunk had an arm coming out of it? They also have a Romney Ryan sticker on their car. I probably hate them lol
Another picture I took of some random person in Party City because she was ROCKIN DAT PURPLE WIG. GET IT GURLLL
Overall, the weekend was really great. From start to end. Some rough patches in the middle, but hopefully things change and it ends up fixing itself. I'm talking in circles here.
I hate what's going on with my best friendddd. I know you're reading this, so I'll just blatantly say this. WHY IS HE BEING SUCH A PENIS?!?! I've legit wanted to be like UM HELLO STOP BEING A DOUCHE, AND GO BE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND. It was even pissing me off, mostly because I know how Tiffany is about what's going on, and I know that it makes her really upset, but it's really fucked up that nothing's changing about it.
Ever wanna scream in someone's face for the sake of someone else? But it's really none of your business so you pretty much stay clear of it, so you're not all up in their business. yeahhhhh. It sucks, but it's been tempting to just be like UMMMMM HELLO!!?!?!??!???!??!?!?!?!?
Boys' brains are made of mush.
I love you Tiffany. ♥
I hate what's going on with my best friendddd. I know you're reading this, so I'll just blatantly say this. WHY IS HE BEING SUCH A PENIS?!?! I've legit wanted to be like UM HELLO STOP BEING A DOUCHE, AND GO BE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND. It was even pissing me off, mostly because I know how Tiffany is about what's going on, and I know that it makes her really upset, but it's really fucked up that nothing's changing about it.
Ever wanna scream in someone's face for the sake of someone else? But it's really none of your business so you pretty much stay clear of it, so you're not all up in their business. yeahhhhh. It sucks, but it's been tempting to just be like UMMMMM HELLO!!?!?!??!???!??!?!?!?!?
Boys' brains are made of mush.
I love you Tiffany. ♥
SO yeah. things of course never work out. Abby's had strep the past few days, so she won't be able to do the shoot tomorrow.... crapppppp. That sucks. I've gotta figure out way to get Tiffany here now.... BLAH. This really sucks.
And after I got my clothes all packed and ready D:
And after I got my clothes all packed and ready D:
Always making lists. I love making lists lol
Tomorrow is the beginning of an amazing weekend :)
And it starts after school when I go with Abby to pick up Tiffany, and when we go to her house for the shoot! I hate saying "photoshoot" because I feel like it makes me sound like a narcissistic bitch? idk. WTVR.
I'm just gunna put a list here of stuff to bring so I don't forget anything
And it starts after school when I go with Abby to pick up Tiffany, and when we go to her house for the shoot! I hate saying "photoshoot" because I feel like it makes me sound like a narcissistic bitch? idk. WTVR.
I'm just gunna put a list here of stuff to bring so I don't forget anything
- Litas :3
- Platforms
- All black opaque tights
- Sheer tights
- Stripe leggings
- Zipper Leggings
- Chunky Socks
- Thigh High Socks
- Yin Yang Denim Vest
- Denim Jacket
- Docs?
- Denim Shorts
- Gold necklaces
- Lacey Thigh Highs
I'll probably think of more later. Right now I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to bring all that with me to school.. I'll figure it out.
Bitter Sweet.
So I wore my Litas to school today, and the only way I can explain it, is bitter sweet. I loved wearing them, and I thought the outfit was really great, but my feet hurt like a biiiiiitchhhhh... So that sucks. And I might have blisters on my toes... Which is fucking lovely. But yeah, I'm so happy with the shoes. Gah, I couldn't stop looking at them today. Some ratchet girls were walking behind me, and they were like
Like.. Seriously? haha
I think the pain in my feet is just from wearing heels. Maybe as I wear them more, it'll start to feel a little better.
Like.. Seriously? haha
I think the pain in my feet is just from wearing heels. Maybe as I wear them more, it'll start to feel a little better.
You're such a pest.
Finally getting out of the house for the weekend. Doing the photoshoot with Tiffany and Abby, and then Tiffany's coming over to spend the night. Then we're going to Tiffany's house on Saturday, and I'll be spending the night there. And it should work out to be a good weekend after all.
Where is my mind?!
It's 3rd block and I'm ready for the day to be over... I'm craving sushi... I have no one to go off campus with, and I don't even have my damn pass because I left it in that basic bitch's car.... SO.. Ugh. I'm suddenly really annoyed.We're literally doing nothing in this class right now. We're starting on the animation part of this class. But this class is really disappointing because I thought it was just a graphics class... But apparently not...
I'm suddenly in the mood to listen to La Dispute. *Pandora Radio*
Gah, the next three days need to fly by. I just want my shoes so baddddddd. I've thought about it literally AWL DAY. It's agonizing. But it's still not trackable. For Karmaloop, it says to give it like 48 hours 'til you track it. Which sucks. I'm also really anxious for my computer wire to get here too.. It's been almost a month and it still hasn't gotten here.... POOP.
I miss that movie hahaha once I get my computer working again, I'm gunna watch it like 10 times. hahaha
I can't explain how relevant ^ that ^ is to me right now.
- 200: My crushs name is: My boyfriend Michael obv. jk it's Tiffany lol duh
- 199: I was born in: Hoboken, New Jersey at St. Mary's Hospital I'm pretty sure
- 198: I am really: fucking bored and tired lol
- 197: My cellphone company is: Sprint?
- 196: My eye color is: Brown
- 195: My shoe size is: 6.5 BABY FEET.
- 194: My ring size is: No clue
- 193: My height is: 5'5" I believe
- 192: I am allergic to: BASIC BITCHES
- 191: My 1st car was: Nonexistent lol
- 189: Last book you read: um
- 188: My bed is: A futon, and a fort lol
- 187: My pet: Mimi, Joey, Sookie, and Lucifer. They're all demons lol
- 186: My best friend: Tiffany ~**~
- 185: My favorite shampoo is: Right now, my Riveting Reds shampoo!!
- 184: Xbox or ps3: Umm.. I've played both, but I don't have a favorite relaly.
- 183: Piggy banks are: Useful sometimes I guess.
- 182: In my pockets: Lol don't have pockets. #TeamTights
- 181: On my calendar: Um.. Well. I'm looking forward to Halloween. yes.
- 180: Marriage is: idk lol
- 179: Spongebob can: get the D. lol. jk.
- 178: My mom: is gr8
- 177: The last three songs I bought were? Buying music? lol
- 176: Last YouTube video watched: NO IDEA TBH
- 175: How many cousins do you have? TOO MANY I HAVE NO IDEA
- 174: Do you have any siblings? 3 ~ Two sisters and a brother
- 173: Are your parents divorced? Nah
- 172: Are you taller than your mom? Yeppp~
- 171: Do you play an instrument? LOL What is musical talent?
- 170: What did you do yesterday? Um. School, home, homework, bed. Basically.
- [ I Believe In ]
- 169: Love at first sight Um? Idk..:
- 168: Luck: Yeah!
- 167: Fate: UM? No. I believe in coincidence
- 166: Yourself: Si!
- 165: Aliens: YES
- 164: Heaven: Nawt
- 163: Hell: nah.
- 162: God: lol
- 161: Horoscopes: IDK. It's interesting to read, but idk how much I "believe in it"
- 160: Soul mates: I guess?
- 159: Ghosts: DUH
- 158: Gay Marriage: Equal RIghts? Yes.
- 157: War: It depends.
- 156: Orbs: Sure
- 155: Magic: Hmm.
- [ This or That ]
- 154: Hugs or Kisses: Ugh. How do I choose? Well. I like kissing. So.
- 152: Phone or Online: ONLINE HAHA
- 151: Red heads or Black haired: WELL I'M A RED HEAD ~*~~** #TEAMREDHEAD
- 150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes I guess?
- 149: Hot or cold: Cold~
- 148: Summer or winter: Winterrrrr
- 147: Autumn or Spring: ... These are my two fav seasons. I can't pick lol
- 146: Chocolate or vanilla: CHAWKLATE
- 145: Night or Day: nightttt
- 144: Oranges or Apples:
- 143: Curly or Straight hair:
- 142: McDonalds or Burger King: MICKY DEEZ
- 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: MILK CHAWKLATE
- 140: Mac or PC: I have a PC but having a mac would be nice?
- 139: Flip flops or high heals: Umm. I hate flip flops, and I'm waiting for my heels in the mail sooo. HEELS
- 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ....... I SHAN'T ANSWER LOL
- 137: Coke or Pepsi: coke. loldruggin
- 136: Hillary or Obama: idc? lol
- 135: Burried or cremated: Cremated I think
- 134: Singing or Dancing: BOTH. AT THE SAME TIME. LOL
- 133: Coach or Chanel: I AINT NO BASIC BITCH GET OUT
- 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: I probably hate them both lollll
- 131: Small town or Big city: BIG CITY
- 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Targetttttt
- 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Neitherrr.
- 128: Manicure or Pedicure: I'd rather do my own nails lol
- 127: East Coast or West Coast: It dependssss
- 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday because I won't be a baby anymore~~
- 125: Chocolate or Flowers: CHAWKLATE LOLLLL
- 124: Disney or Six Flags: Disneyyyy
- 123: Yankees or Red Sox:YANKEES
- [ Here's What I Think About ]
- 122: War: wtvr.
- 121: George Bush: faggot lul
- 120: Gay Marriage: EQUAL RIGHTS, YOU MEAN!??!!
- 119: The presidential election: SHUT UP ALREADY JESUS I'M SO SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT. JFC
- 118: Abortion: Pro-Choice
- 116: Reality TV: Basiclol
- 115: Parents: MINE? ugh.
- 114: Back stabbers: FUCK YOU
- 112: Facebook: WUT
- 111: Work: NEED WORK
- 110: My Neighbors: FUCKING HOODRATS
- 109: Gas Prices: Don't drive. Don't care. Lol for now.
- 108: Designer Clothes: like I said... I AIN'T NO BASIC BITCH
- 107: College: "I LOVE COLLEGE" - High Schoolers
- 106: Sports: mer.
- 105: My family: MER.
- 104: The future: SHUT UP.
- [ Last time I ]
- 103: Hugged someone: Right before Michael left.
- 102: Last time you ate: umm... Right now lol
- 101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: idk.
- 100: Cried in front of someone: idk. I don't really cry in front of people?
- 99: Went to a movie theater: SO LONG AGO.
- 98: Took a vacation: No idea lol
- 96: Changed a diaper: NEVER LOL
- 95: Got my nails done: Never lol
- 94: Went to a wedding: NEVER LOL
- 93: Broke a bone: NEVER LOL
- 92: Got a peircing: Last year in August
- 91: Broke the law: AWL DAY ERR DAY
- 90: Texted: An hour or so ago
- [ MISC ]
- 89: Who makes you laugh the most: Tiffany, Sean, and Michael~
- 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My bed lol
- 87: The last movie I saw: idr
- 86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Halloween with Tiffany Sean and Michael!!
- 85: The thing im not looking forward to: School on Monday.
- 84: People call me: PERFECT obviously.
- 83: The most difficult thing to do is: care lol
- 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never?
- 81: My zodiac sign is: Gemini
- 80: The first person i talked to today was: Michael of course :3
- 79: First time you had a crush: idr?
- 78: The one person who i can't hide things from: My dad and Tiffany hahaha
- 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Tiffany, ALL THE TIME.
- 76: Right now I am talking to: Tiffany... ALL THE TIME
- 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: idk, GET MY NIPPLES PIERCED wut
- 74: I have/will get a job: probably never lol
- 73: Tomorrow: will be boring
- 71: Next Summer: idk lol
- 70: Next Weekend: WILL HOPEFULLY BE GREAT.
- 69: I have these pets: that annoy the shit outta me.
- 68: The worst sound in the world: Someone smacking their gum....
- 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: um. my dad?
- 66: People that make you happy: Tiffany, and Michael <3
- 65: Last time I cried: idk, but I do know dad made me cry so
- 64: My friends are: not basic lol
- 63: My computer is: A PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT LOL
- 62: My School: is full of idiots
- 61: My Car: doesn't exist lol
- 60: I lose all respect for people who: Are closed minded?
- 59: The movie I cried at was: NO MOVIES/!?!
- 58: Your hair color is: Redd~~*
- 57: TV shows you watch: Face Off, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead
- 56: Favorite web site: Tumblr, Blogger, Twitter
- 55: Your dream vacation: Tokyo Japan
- 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: That morning I woke up with cramps.
- 53: How do you like your steak cooked: I JUST WANT IT TO TASTE GOOD OKAY
- 52: My room is: a mess as usual lol
- 51: My favorite celebrity is: um?
- 50: Where would you like to be: With my boyfriend.
- 49: Do you want children: idk.
- 48: Ever been in love: Merr, not really.
- 47: Who's your best friend: Tiffany of course
- 46: More guy friends or girl friends: As of right now? Um, guys I guess?
- 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Being around people I care about.
- 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Wish I could be hanging out with Tiffany, Sean and Michael!!
- 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no?
- 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Kind of.
- 41: Have you pre-named your children: IDK IF I WANT CHILDREN
- 40: Last person I got mad at: Conner lol u basic
- 39: I would like to move to: New York!
- 38: I wish I was a professional: designer? idk.
- [ My Favorites ]
- 37: Candy: CHAWK;LATE
- 36: Vehicle: Jeeps :3
- 35: President:lol
- 34: State visited: New York
- 33: Cellphone provider: idk
- 32: Athlete: Derek Jeter coz he's hawt
- 31: Actor:idk
- 30: Actress:idk
- 29: Singer:idk
- 28: Band: La dispute
- 27: Clothing store: ebay?
- 26: Grocery store: lol um
- 25: TV show: idk
- 24: Movie: Fight Club, and Party Monster
- 23: Website: idk anymore lol But probably ebay lol
- 22: Animal: unicorns lol
- 21: Theme park: Disney world?
- 20: Holiday: My birthday?
- 19: Sport to watch: Baseball
- 18: Sport to play: lol @ playing sports
- 17: Magazine:idklol
- 16: Book: 50 SHADES OF GAY OBV
- 15: Day of the week: Saturdays
- 14: Beach: idkkkk ugh
- 13: Concert attended: la dispute
- 12: Thing to cook: I hate cooking
- 11: Food: chawklate
- 10: Restaurant:IDKK UGH
- 9: Radio station: Fuck the radio dawg
- 8: Yankee candle scent:IDK.
- 7: Perfume:IDK. ugh stahp
- 6: Flower: I love pink roses.
- 5: Color: Pinkkk.
- 4: Talk show host: Elen Degenerous (IS THAT HOW YOU SPELL HER NAME IDK UGH)
- 3: Comedian: MYSELF LOL okay
- 2: Dog breed: cats lol
- 1: did you answer all these honesty? duh
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